2019 (updated: 12/31/2019)

The 14th year: Develop CubeSat subsystems 發展立方衛星用次系統。

  • Construct a star tracker test and calibration facility: A star tracker test facility is ready and will be modified to allow calibration capability on it. It is the 1st step for SPL to startup CubeSat subsystem.

  • ChamberEPS
  • Construct a vacuum test chamber for electric thrusters: A basic vacuum test chamber will be constructed for testing in-house electric thrusters in the future. It is an important step for SPL to startup another CubeSat subsystems.

  • S4-805
  • Expand learning facility for students: S4-805 and S4-822 are assigned for electronics classroom and mechanical classroom, respectively. SPL will provide necessary equipments (5 x NI ELVIS III, 5 x NI USRP-2900, and 5 more ASUS PC at S4-805 and a LPKF ProtoMat S104 PCB plotter and a FLUX beamo laser cutter/engraver at S4-822 ) and software to allow students to do hand-on practices.
  • S4-822